
Let’s speak
from one gourmet
 to another.

We can be rather like sweet or rather like salty, but when it comes to quality, no more squabbling: we all want the best for ourselves and for our children!

And the best is precisely what we advocate for at La Fournee Doree,

and this for 4 generations.

Because, for us, quality and delicacy are above all a family and regional story. ‘Gâche’, Brioche or Brioche Swirl, we are as attached to our traditional French recipes and production. And then, we are convinced that it is with noble and natural ingredients that we enjoy better moments! Thus, every day we make sure to re-enchant our baking and pastry tradition.


Our home
is our bakehouse.

Our secret is transmission.
Our expertise is authenticity.
And our desire is to make you happy!

So, in the four corners of France, we cultivate our know-how, we constantly improve our recipes and we remain curious and open to novelties. And above all, we roll up our sleeves, put our hands in the flour, and make real commitments so you rediscover, just in a bite, good memories of the old-time.

La Fournée Dorée, La Saveur Retrouvée